Books That Make you #8

challenges2Halloween is right around the corner.

This is one of my FAVORITE times of the year – the leaves start changing, there is a chill in the air from the weather changing… or if your like me it’s cause you’ve been reading a scary book by flash light and now your afraid to get out of your comfy bed to go across the room just to turn the light out.

When you say Halloween and Horror the first author that pops in my head is Edgar Allan Poe. I love his stuff. The story around his life and his death is very interesting also. The poor guy obviously had issues on a grand scale. But, because of that I think he was able to write some amazing things like, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Raven, The Black Cat, Hop-Frog (one of my all time favorites), The Masque of the Red Death, The Fall of the House of Usher and so many, many more.

In 7th grade I had this awesome English teacher (I believe his name was Mr. Thompson) who did this unit all on Edgar Allan Poe. I mean he went all out – the whole class room was pitch black and he told us the story of The Monkey’s Paw (which I realize isn’t Edgar Allan Poe… oops). and The Black Cat. I just loved how much thought and energy the teacher put into that unit. And that is where I got my love for horror. I started watching scary movies and it all went down hill from there.

One day, maybe I’ll remember to ask off on a day they do the dinner theater near me called Poe Evermore where they re-tell his stories. I’ve always wanted to go… I just haven’t had time or I think about it a little too late. ha ha!

These books will make you scared of the dark… or at least leave a night light on at night.


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